In a recent gathering that underscored the importance of community collaboration in mitigating the risks of wildfires, the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) once again convened to review and discuss Potential Operational Delineations (PODS) boundaries. These PODS serve as a vital framework for strategically managing wildfire risks and resources in this ecologically significant region. [...]
Our latest newsletter is filled with lots of great updates! We've had a busy few months filled with conferences, project site visits, grant awards and more. We hope you enjoy reading about all the good things we've been up to. As you'll learn, we are invigorated by the shared commitment to our cause and the [...]
Last week, members of the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership came together for a crucial initiative—to map out PODs (Potential Operational Delineations) across the watershed. Led by Daniel Godwin, Fire Management Planning Specialist and Wildfire Crisis Strategy Program Manager for the Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest, this mapping exercise aimed to identify and connect PODs within our [...]
We were excited to get out into the forest last month alongside our partners from the Larimer Conservation District and the Colorado State Forest Service to explore active and completed projects in the Big Thompson watershed. This excursion was a crucial component of our Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) Grant agreement. Through the [...]
The Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) recently organized a field tour for members of the Colorado Forest Health Council, a Governor-appointed group of influential leaders focused on advising the Governor on matters concerning forest health across the state. The Council aims to foster cross-jurisdictional collaboration among federal, state, and local government entities, as well [...]
We are very pleased to announce that we have been selected to receive grant funding to support the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP). This essential support will allow us to further our mission of creating resilient landscapes and addressing wildfire risks in Northern Colorado. The Northern Colorado Fireshed Fund, established in collaboration with the [...]
Peaks to People team members recently had the pleasure of visiting a newly completed forest health project with our partners from the Larimer Conservation District. This project involved a forest restoration treatment of 32 acres that border the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest in the Storm Mountain Area. While a portion of the project area was affected [...]
Loveland, CO – Widespread decline in forest health due to the effects of climate change and wildfire suppression have decreased the ecological resilience of the Big Thompson watershed and exponentially increased the risk of catastrophic wildfire. This has put the communities within the forested areas as well as those dependent upon its natural resources at [...]
We have lots of great Spring news for you! Read all about an amazing partnership that has formed to restore the health of the Big Thompson Watershed to protect it from the impacts of fire suppression and climate change. We share some BIG news about a substantial grant we have received from the Colorado State [...]
We are extremely pleased to announce we have been awarded a $1,000,000 grant to restore forest health and reduce the risk of severe wildfire in the Big Thompson Watershed. The Forest Restoration and Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) grant program, managed by the Colorado State Forest Service, provides funding for fuels and forest health projects or [...]
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