Recently we embarked on a classic Colorado spring day adventure, navigating a whirlwind of weather conditions alongside our partners from the Larimer Conservation District (LCD), Larimer County Office of Emergency Management, and over a dozen local community members. Our destination? An active forest health project site nestled in the scenic Cherokee Park area. The aim [...]
We are pleased to announce our commitment of $30,000 to an important project being implemented by Larimer Conservation District (LCD) within the Cherokee Park community in northern Larimer County. This contribution is a part of our ongoing Cache La Poudre Initiative, which, in conjunction with our Big Thompson Initiative, underscores our commitment to safeguarding the [...]
Project Location: The Cheley Camps of Colorado is located roughly 8 miles West of Loveland, Colorado in rural Larimer County (Fish Creek HUC 12 Watershed). LCD has identified 40.6-acres of forest restoration treatment within the Cheley Camps of Colorado property boundary. Historic forest type is Ponderosa Pine. Species composition has drastically shifted, tree densities are [...]
Project Location: Larimer Conservation District has identified 18 acres of forest restoration treatment within the Cheley Camps of Colorado property boundary. The property is located approx. 8 miles West of Loveland, Colorado. Headwaters North Fork Thompson River HUC 12 Watershed. The project area sits adjacent to future treatments planned by the Big Thompson Watershed Coalition [...]
Project Location: Waltonia is located approximately halfway between Estes Park and Loveland, Colorado, off of Highway 34. This project includes 50 acres of forest treatment across small- to mid-acreage parcels within the community in addition to 1- mile of roadway defensible space work along Waltonia road from the entrance bridge up to the private gate [...]
Project Location: The 344 acre project is situated within the Poudre River Ranch Homeowners Association and the Diamond Creek Road Association in the Livermore, CO area. This region, located seven miles south of the Wyoming border and eight miles north of Red Feather Lakes, CO, is characterized by its historic forest type of Ponderosa Pine, [...]
Peaks to People team members recently had the pleasure of visiting a newly completed forest health project with our partners from the Larimer Conservation District. This project involved a forest restoration treatment of 32 acres that border the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest in the Storm Mountain Area. While a portion of the project area was affected [...]
Catastrophic wildfires along the front range of Colorado have been increasing in size, severity and frequency in recent years. The need to reduce the risk to people living in fire prone areas has become more important than ever as we struggle to adapt to yearlong fire seasons in a warming climate. A critical step in […]
Our communities depend on our forests to provide clean and plentiful water. Therefore, our health and our wealth require coordinated, proactive management of our watersheds. A key component of the forest management work being done by Peaks to People Water Fund, and our partners, is reducing the risk of wildfire through fuels reduction. When the severity of […]