Tag: conservation

Journey to Restoration: Exploring Cherokee Park’s Renewal

Cherokee Park Forest Restoration Project

The Long and Costly Road to Wildfire Recovery

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021
We are doing crucial work today to preserve our vital resources for tomorrow. During our Fiscal year 2021 Peaks to People Water Fund launched our most important initiative to date, the Big Thompson Initiative, a critical collaborative effort between multiple private and public agencies. We invested $160,000 in new funds for a combined total of […]

Our Partnership with the Big Thompson Conservation District
Big Thompson Initiative Partner Profile and Projects Big Thompson Conservation District Peaks to People and Big Thompson Conservation District (BTCD) have been collaboratively working together on forest health projects since 2017. As our organizations have developed and grown so has our partnership. Like Peaks to People, BTCD is also working to improve water quality by […]

Winter 2021 Newsletter
A lot has happened since our last newsletter and we hope this finds you well. In this update we’d like to catch you up on our current and upcoming forest health treatments in the Big Thompson Watershed. We’ll introduce you to another amazing Peaks to People board member, Sandra Hicks. Sandra is a seasoned Environmental Engineer and EHS […]

Summer 2020 Newsletter
Catch up on all the latest in our Summer Newsletter! We’ll be introducing you to Peaks to People board member, Judy Dorsey President and Principal Engineer of Brendle Group, sharing news of our current project in the Big Thompson watershed and explaining how Peaks to People funded projects are creating jobs, boosting the local economy […]

Public Lands Bill is a Huge Victory for Conservation
Despite decades of political divide, we may yet be united through our love of public lands and the need to protect them. In an impressive 92-to-8 vote, the Senate just passed the largest public lands bill in almost a generation. The 662 page measure is a huge victory for conservation with 1.3 million acres being newly […]

A Bright Future for Northern Colorado Watersheds
Colorful Colorado, we all have our reasons for loving this beautiful place we call home. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast whose passion is to play in the mountains or someone who prefers the culture and comforts of the city, we love it just the same. We are Coloradans and we all depend on the […]