Journey to Restoration: Exploring Cherokee Park’s Renewal

Recently we embarked on a classic Colorado spring day adventure, navigating a whirlwind of weather conditions alongside our partners from the Larimer Conservation District (LCD), Larimer County Office of Emergency Management, and over a dozen local community members. Our destination? An active forest health project site nestled in the scenic Cherokee Park area. The aim [...]

Uniting for Resilience: Championing Collaborative Efforts in Northern Colorado

Peaks to People Water Fund is spearheading an initiative to bolster collaboration among agencies within the Big Thompson Watershed in Northern Colorado. Our goal? To proactively mitigate wildfire risks and their impacts through strategic forest and riparian restoration projects, alongside active community engagement. The Birth of the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) Big Thompson [...]

Navigating the Future of Wildfire Management: Innovations in the Big Thompson Watershed

  In the heart of the Big Thompson watershed, a diverse group of partners has embarked on a pioneering journey to redefine the landscape of wildfire management and conservation. A recent gathering of the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) marked a significant milestone in our collaborative efforts to utilize Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) as a [...]

Exploring Community Readiness for a Resilient Big Thompson Watershed

As the calendar flipped to a new year, members of the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) convened with a shared mission: to elevate our approach to wildfire management through an in-depth exploration of Community Readiness. After all, the essence of our work lies in harnessing the power of people to foster readiness and resilience. A [...]

Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability: The Cache La Poudre Initiative in Cherokee Park

We are pleased to announce our commitment of $30,000 to an important project being implemented by Larimer Conservation District (LCD) within the Cherokee Park community in northern Larimer County.  This contribution is a part of our ongoing Cache La Poudre Initiative, which, in conjunction with our Big Thompson Initiative, underscores our commitment to safeguarding the [...]

Cherokee Park Forest Restoration Project

Project Location: The 344 acre project is situated within the Poudre River Ranch Homeowners Association and the Diamond Creek Road Association in the Livermore, CO area. This region, located seven miles south of the Wyoming border and eight miles north of Red Feather Lakes, CO, is characterized by its historic forest type of Ponderosa Pine, [...]
Partners select which POD to focus on initially

Collaborative Workshop Unveils Strategic Approach for Wildfire Management in Big Thompson Watershed

In a recent gathering that underscored the importance of community collaboration in mitigating the risks of wildfires, the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) once again convened to review and discuss Potential Operational Delineations (PODS) boundaries.  These PODS serve as a vital framework for strategically managing wildfire risks and resources in this ecologically significant region. [...]
Big Thompson River

Our Partnership with the Big Thompson Conservation District

Big Thompson Initiative Partner Profile and Projects Big Thompson Conservation District Peaks to People and Big Thompson Conservation District (BTCD) have been collaboratively working together on forest health projects since 2017. As our organizations have developed and grown so has our partnership. Like Peaks to People, BTCD is also working to improve water quality by […]