Cheley Camps – Main Campus 2023

Project Location:

The Cheley Camps of Colorado is located roughly 8 miles West of Loveland, Colorado in rural Larimer County (Fish Creek HUC 12 Watershed). LCD has identified 40.6-acres of forest restoration treatment within the Cheley Camps of Colorado property boundary. Historic forest type is Ponderosa Pine. Species composition has drastically shifted, tree densities are much higher, and average tree age class is lower than historic reference conditions for the site. The property has and is currently experiencing pest and disease mortality events, resulting in areas of patchy downed and dead trees.

Project Impact:

This 40 acre project area requires heavy tree thinning to restore the forests to a healthy composition, structure, and ecologically functioning system.  The Cheley property drains into the mainstem of the Big Thompson River. This area is characterized by moderate wildfire risk to water supplies and given the small treatment size, would result in relatively small potential crown fire and sediment yield reductions. The downstream values include Barnes Ditch, the Loveland Greeley Canal, the Loveland pipeline, the Dille tunnel, and George Rist ditch which are valued by the Cities of Greeley and Loveland, and Northern Water.

Implementing Agency:
Larimer Conservation District

Funding Agencies:
Natural Resource Conservation Service
Peaks to People Water Fund

Funding Year: 2023

Watershed: Big Thompson