Peaks to People is committed to protecting Northern Colorado’s water supplies from the devastating effects of severe wildfires. Our impact in 2024 demonstrates the power of working together to achieve meaningful change. As we look ahead, we remain committed to fostering partnerships, advancing forest restoration, and inspiring communities to take proactive steps toward a resilient [...]
Recently we embarked on a classic Colorado spring day adventure, navigating a whirlwind of weather conditions alongside our partners from the Larimer Conservation District (LCD), Larimer County Office of Emergency Management, and over a dozen local community members. Our destination? An active forest health project site nestled in the scenic Cherokee Park area. The aim [...]
In the heart of the Big Thompson watershed, a diverse group of partners has embarked on a pioneering journey to redefine the landscape of wildfire management and conservation. A recent gathering of the Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) marked a significant milestone in our collaborative efforts to utilize Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) as a [...]
Throughout 2023 Peaks to People continued to play a vital role enhancing forest health and protecting water supplies in Northern Colorado. From providing sophisticated tools that helped direct funding to the most impactful projects in our area, to securing and leveraging significant funding for highly strategic projects, to acting as a convenor to enhance collaboration [...]
We were excited to get out into the forest last month alongside our partners from the Larimer Conservation District and the Colorado State Forest Service to explore active and completed projects in the Big Thompson watershed. This excursion was a crucial component of our Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) Grant agreement. Through the [...]
The Big Thompson Watershed Health Partnership (BTWHP) recently organized a field tour for members of the Colorado Forest Health Council, a Governor-appointed group of influential leaders focused on advising the Governor on matters concerning forest health across the state. The Council aims to foster cross-jurisdictional collaboration among federal, state, and local government entities, as well [...]
Peaks to People team members recently had the pleasure of visiting a newly completed forest health project with our partners from the Larimer Conservation District. This project involved a forest restoration treatment of 32 acres that border the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest in the Storm Mountain Area. While a portion of the project area was affected [...]
We are extremely pleased to announce we have been awarded a $1,000,000 grant to restore forest health and reduce the risk of severe wildfire in the Big Thompson Watershed. The Forest Restoration and Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) grant program, managed by the Colorado State Forest Service, provides funding for fuels and forest health projects or [...]
Peaks to People is committed to protecting Northern Colorado’s water supplies from the devastating effects of severe wildfires. We are working together with our partner agencies to increase the scale and scope of forest restoration in the Big Thompson watershed. Learn more about our work and impacts over the past year in our FY2022 Annual Report. [...]
Don't miss a drop of our latest news! We are excited to introduce you to our new Executive Director, Julie Dubin and our newest board member, Mark Eiswerth. We'd also like to share with you updates on current and upcoming projects. We have two new Big Thompson Initiative partners and more resources for landowners. Read [...]
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