Peaks to People Winter 2021 News

Winter 2021 Newsletter

A lot has happened since our last newsletter and we hope this finds you well. In this update we’d like to catch you up on our current and upcoming forest health treatments in the Big Thompson Watershed. We’ll introduce you to another amazing Peaks to People board member, Sandra Hicks. Sandra is a seasoned Environmental Engineer and EHS […]

overgrown forest

The Path to Overgrown Forests

The year of 1910 was one of the driest in recorded History. More than five million acres burned in the United States. Three million of those acres were torched in only two short days during the Great Fire. At least 85 lives were lost, 78 of them fallen fire fighters. An estimated 7.5 billion board […]

Protecting our water resources

Restoring Our Forests to Protect Our Water

Peaks to People Water Fund is working to protect water resources in Northern Colorado by restoring forests to reduce the risk of severe wildfires. The forest restoration projects we fund not only protect water from sedimentation and debris, but also improve forest health and habitat, decrease firefighting costs, and reduce home loss and infrastructure damage. […]

Kids and Conservation

Kids and Conservation

Restoring the health of our forests and securing clean and abundant water for the future is important to everyone, especially children. Our kids will inherit the world we leave them, so conserving natural resources for future generations is paramount. Education is the key to helping children appreciate the value of conservation and the role they have […]

Prescribed Fire is Key for Watershed Health

Prescribed Fire is Key for Watershed Health

Controlling Wildfire in the West: Anyone living in the arid mountain West knows the reality of wildfire; it’s not if wildfire will happen, but when. Each summer as the temperatures rise and the landscape dries, we hope to be spared the sight of smoke on the horizon. What if we could combat wildfire before it […]