A lot has happened since our last newsletter and we hope this finds you well. In this update we’d like to catch you up on our current and upcoming forest health treatments in the Big Thompson Watershed. We’ll introduce you to another amazing Peaks to People board member, Sandra Hicks. Sandra is a seasoned Environmental Engineer and EHS […]
A Close Call for Estes Park, Colorado All eyes turned to Estes Park, Colorado on October 21, 2020 when the East Troublesome Fire, which originated west of Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) near Grand Lake, jumped the continental divide and began moving eastward. Due to the location of the spot fie, multiple evacuation orders were […]
Peaks to People is pleased to announce that the 250-acre Pole Hill forest health project in the Big Thompson watershed is underway. We are co-funding this project with substantial funds also coming from the Natural Resource Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Northern Water and the Colorado State Forest Service. This project is located […]
Restoring Forest Health is a Win-Win The health of our streams and rivers, and the wildlife that depend on them, are directly related to the health of the forests that surround them. Forest structure affects habitat quality for many wildlife species, both terrestrial and aquatic. Historically, wildfires occurred in varying sizes and intensities across the [...]
Fall 2019 Newsletter Catch up on all the latest in our Fall Newsletter! We are excited to share multiple opportunities for you to help support our work to protect Northern Colorado watersheds. Please VOTE for Peaks to People in the Scheels Giving Campaign by Dec 8th! We’ll update you on the recent prescribed fire at Ben […]
The year of 1910 was one of the driest in recorded History. More than five million acres burned in the United States. Three million of those acres were torched in only two short days during the Great Fire. At least 85 lives were lost, 78 of them fallen fire fighters. An estimated 7.5 billion board […]
Catch up on all the latest in our Summer Newsletter! Help us welcome our new board chair Rob Addington and thank our amazing outgoing chair, Robin Reid. Meet our newest board member, Mike Lester. Mike is the Director of the Colorado State Forest Service and has more than 30 years of professional experience in state [...]
In Northern Colorado, thousands of acres of forests need restoration to reduce the size and severity of wildfires. Public and private land managers lack the funding to reduce forest fuels at meaningful scales. We need to prioritize and fund forest management where it can best protect our water resources. That’s why Peaks to People and […]
Watershed protection got a big boost last month with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill and it couldn’t have come at more critical time. Throughout the Upper Colorado River Basin and Great Basin water supply volume forecasts for April-July are already below average. Drier soils conditions and poor snow pack add insult to injury. […]
Colorful Colorado, we all have our reasons for loving this beautiful place we call home. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast whose passion is to play in the mountains or someone who prefers the culture and comforts of the city, we love it just the same. We are Coloradans and we all depend on the […]
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