Tag: collaboration

Peaks to People Water Fund Spring 2023 News

Peaks to People Awarded Three Year Grant from Gates Family Foundation

The Power of Community: Working Together to Reduce Wildfire Risk near Drake, Colorado
Catastrophic wildfires along the front range of Colorado have been increasing in size, severity and frequency in recent years. The need to reduce the risk to people living in fire prone areas has become more important than ever as we struggle to adapt to yearlong fire seasons in a warming climate. A critical step in […]

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021
We are doing crucial work today to preserve our vital resources for tomorrow. During our Fiscal year 2021 Peaks to People Water Fund launched our most important initiative to date, the Big Thompson Initiative, a critical collaborative effort between multiple private and public agencies. We invested $160,000 in new funds for a combined total of […]

Our Partnership with the Big Thompson Conservation District
Big Thompson Initiative Partner Profile and Projects Big Thompson Conservation District Peaks to People and Big Thompson Conservation District (BTCD) have been collaboratively working together on forest health projects since 2017. As our organizations have developed and grown so has our partnership. Like Peaks to People, BTCD is also working to improve water quality by […]