2023 Impact Report

Throughout 2023 Peaks to People continued to play a vital role enhancing forest health and protecting water supplies in Northern Colorado. From providing sophisticated tools that helped direct funding to the most impactful projects in our area, to securing and leveraging significant funding for highly strategic projects, to acting as a convenor to enhance collaboration [...]

Fall 2023 Newsletter

We've had an exciting and eventful few months since our last update. Read all about it! We wish to convey our utmost gratitude to you for your support and wish you and yours a joyous holiday season. Peaks to People Fall 2023 Newsletter
FY 2022 Annual Report

Annual Report FY 2022

Peaks to People is committed to protecting Northern Colorado’s water supplies from the devastating effects of severe wildfires. We are working together with our partner agencies to increase the scale and scope of forest restoration in the Big Thompson watershed. Learn more about our work and impacts over the past year in our FY2022 Annual Report. [...]

Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021

We are doing crucial work today to preserve our vital resources for tomorrow. During our Fiscal year 2021 Peaks to People Water Fund launched our most important initiative to date, the Big Thompson Initiative, a critical collaborative effort between multiple private and public agencies. We invested $160,000 in new funds for a combined total of […]